Category Archives: heliosphere

A Gallery of Geomagnetic Storms with DIY Equipment

It has been over a year since I published my book on how to build DIY magnetometers that can detect geomagnetic storms. The $8.00 B/W book ‘Exploring Space Weather with DIY Magnetometers‘, is available at Amazon by clicking [HERE]. It contains 146 pages with 116 illustrations and figures that describe six different magnetometers that you can build step-by-step for under $50.00.

Over the last year I have posted at my Astronomy Cafe blog, and at various LinkedIn groups, the magnetograms from my most sensitive magnetometers to show how well they capture the rapid changes of Earth’s magnetic field during a geomagnetic storm. Since I started posting these DIY magnetograms on Linkedin, they have received over 13,500 views so there seem to be a lot of teachers, amateur astronomers and space weather enthusiasts interested in my DIY technology.

On the NOAA Scale, these storms are stronger than G2 and are currently happening every month or so during the sunspot-maximum period. This blog is my Gallery of the storms I have detected so far. I also show the data for each storm event observed from the Fredericksburg Magnetic Observatory (FRD) located about 200 miles south of my suburban Maryland location. This will give you a sense of just how accurate my designs are compared to the far more expensive, professional-grade systems.

By the way, the July 14, 2023 magnetogram ‘spots’ shows what can be accomplished by a simple $5.00 soda bottle magnetometer if you follow a design with a laser pointer and a 7-meter projection distance as described in my book.

Ok…so here are the magnetograms in reverse chronological order starting from the most recent storms and working down the list to the earlier ones towards the end of 2023. I am only presenting the magnetograms and not a lot of supporting information about the circumstances of the storms themselves. For this information, visit the website and in the upper right corner of the webpage in the Archive area enter the date of the storm and you will be able to see a lot of info and even amateur photos of the resulting aurora themselves.

DIY Magnetometers for Studying Space Weather

The Great Storm of May 10, 2024.

The Minor Storm of May 13, 2024.

August 12, 2024. Major Kp=8 storm. Green arrows are the Sq current variations. FRD (red) and RM3100 (black).

August 2, 2024 Kp=7 storm event. FRD(black) and RM3100 (blue).

June 23, 2024, Kp=8. Sq minima (arrows). Storm event (blue bar).

May 12, 2024, Kp=6 storm. FRD(red), RM3100 (black), Photo (blue), Hall (green).

May 10, 2024 Kp=8-9 major geomagnetic storm.

May 5, 2024 storm Kp=4-5. FRD(red), RM3100 (black)

March 23, 2024. Diurnal Sq dips (arrows) and a strong geomagnetic storm (hour 40). FRD data (red) and RM3100 data (black).

November 27, 2023. Minor Kp=6 storm at running UT of 83-86 . FRD data (yellow), RM3100 (grey), photoelectric magnetometer (orange), Hall sensor (blue)

November 5, 2023. A significant Kp=7 geomagnetic storm superposed on a few wobbles due to Sq current effects.

October 30, 2023. Three days of Sq variations and no geomagnetic storms. FRD data (red), RM3100 magnetometer (black), photoelectric magnetometer (blue), Hall effect magnetometer (orange).

July 14, 2023. Kp=4 geomagnetic storm (blue bar) with three cycles (yellow) of the diurnal Sq current. Red line = FRD data. Spots = soda bottle magnetometer.

The Heliophysics Big Year

Heliophysics is an area of space science, named by NASA, which focuses on the matter and energy of our Sun and its effects on the solar system. It also studies how the Sun varies and how those changes pose a hazard to humans on Earth and in space.

The Heliophysics Big Year is a global celebration of solar science and the Sun’s influence on Earth and the entire solar system.During the Heliophysics Big Year, you will have the opportunity to participate in many solar science events such as watching solar eclipses, experiencing an aurora, participating in citizen science projects, and other fun Sun-related activities. For details, have a look at the NASA video that describes it in more detail [HERE].

This 14-month series for science and math educators focuses on heliophysics topics with related math problems at three levels: elementary, middle, and high school. It is sponsored by NASA’s Heliophysics Education Activation Team.

Each month, I will be hosting a webinar on the theme-of-the-month and also providing some math-oriented activities that go along with he theme. Here is a list of the Webinar viewing dates. When each webinar is completed, you can view a recorded version of it at the link provided. Visit this blog page a day before the scheduled program to register.

HBY Webinar programs:

December 19, 2023 – Citizen Science Projects – Do Auroras Ever Touch Ground?

January 16, 2024 – The Sun Touches Everything – Solar Panel Math and Sunlight Energy.

February 20, 2024 – Fashion – How do color filters work?

March 19, 2024 – Experiencing the Sun – Predicting Solar Storms.

April 16, 2024 – Total Solar Eclipse – The Last Total Solar Eclipse!

May 21, 2024 – Visual Art – Is the Sun Really Yellow?

June 18, 2024 – Performance Art – Do Songs About the Sun Follow the Sunspot Cycle?

July 16, 2024 – Physical and Mental Health – How Old is Sunlight?

August 20, 2024 – Back to School – Can You Accurately Draw the Solar Corona in Under 5 Minutes?

September 17, 2024 – Environment and Sustainability – Interplanetary solar electricity for spacecraft.

October 15, 2024 – Solar Cycle and Solar Max – Predicting the Next Sunspot Cycles and Travel to Mars.

November 19, 2024 – Bonus Science – TBD

December 17, 2024 – Parker’s Perihelion – TBD

To participate in a webinar, held at 7:00pm Eastern Time, you first need to register for it by clicking on the appropriate link below and filling out the registration form. You will then receive via email the link to the live program.

2/20/24 Fashion, Color, and Light

3/19/24       Experiencing the Sun

4/16/24       Total Solar Eclipse

5/21/24       Visual Art

6/18/24       Performance Art

Registration links coming soon

7/16/24           Physical and Mental Health

8/20/24           Back to School

9/17/24           Environment and Sustainability

1015/24          Solar Cycle and Solar Max

11/19/24         Bonus Science

12/17/24         Parker’s Perihelion

View recordings and PowerPoint slide deck of completed webinars at:

Exploring the Heliosphere

This is my new book for the general public about our sun and its many influences across the solar system. I have already written several books about space weather but not that specifically deal with the sun itself, so this book fills that gap.

We start at the mysterious core of the sun, follow its energies to the surface, then explore how its magnetism creates the beautiful corona, the solar wind and of course all the details of space weather and their nasty effects on humans and our technology.

I have sections that highlight the biggest storms that have upset our technology, and a discussion of the formation and evolution of our sun based on Hubble and Webb images of stars as they are forming. I go into detail about the interior of our sun and how it creates its magnetic fields on the surface. This is the year of the April 2024 total solar eclipse so I cover the shape and origin of the beautful solar corona, too. You will be an expert among your friends when the 2024 eclipse happens.

Unlike all other books, I also have a chapter about how teachers can use this information as part of their standards-based curriculum using the NASA Framework for Heliospheric Education. I even have a section about why our textbooks are typically 10 – 50 years out of date when discussinbg the sun.

For the amateur scientists and hobbyists among you, there is an entire chapter on how to build your own magnetometers for under $50 that will let you monitor how our planet is responsing to solar storms, which will become very common during the next few years.

Basic book details: 239 pages; 115 ilustrations; 6 tables; 70,000 words;

There hasn’t been a book like this in over a decade, so it is crammed with many new discoveries about our sun during the 21st century. Most books for the general public about the sun have actually been written in a style appropriate to college or even graduate students.

My book is designed to be understandable by my grandmother!

Generally, books on science do not sell very well, so this book is definitely written without much expectation for financial return on the effort. Most authors of popular science books make less than $500 in royalties. For those of you that do decide to get a copy, I think it will be a pleasurable experience in learning some remarkable things about our very own star! Please do remember to give a review of the book on the Amazon page. That would be a big help.

Yep…I want to get the e-book version ($5): Link to Amazon.

Yep…I want to get the paperback version ($15): Link to Amazon.

Oh…by the way…. I am a professional astronomer who has been working at NASA doing research, but also education and public outreach for over 20 years. Although I have published a number of books through brick-and-morter publishing houses, I love the immediacy of self-publishing on topics I am excited about, and seeing the result presented to the public within a month or two from the time I get the topic idea. I don’t have to go through the lengthy (month-year) tedium of pitching an idea to several publishers who are generally looking for self-help and murder mysteries. Popular science is NOT a category that publishers want to support, so that leaves me with the self-publishing option.

Other books you might like:

Exploring Space Weather with DIY Magnetometers. ($7). Link to Amazon.

History of Space Weather: From Babylon to the 21st Century. (paperback, $30) (ebook, $5). Link to Amazon.

Solar Storms and their Human Impacts (e-book; $2) Link to Amazon.

The 23rd CycleL Learning to live with a stormy star. – Out of print.