What are some astronomical events that affected human history?

The kinds of things that can get humans really worked up are planetary conjunctions, solar eclipses, aurora, comets, meteor showers and meteor falls. Also, a few supernovae and novae are thrown in too since they light up the sky for days-weeks at a time. Not only have sightings of Halley’s Comet been powerful portends of gloom and doom, but certain planetary conjunctions have come at key times in human history. The table below provides a timeline of the many events that have made some historical impact since the earliest recorded sightings of solar eclipses.

Humans have been terrified by spectacular meteor showers, and in some rare instances, have been injured of killed by being hit by meteorites. There are a number of total solar eclipses that have been seen since ancient times that were mentioned in ancient texts such as the solar eclipse mentioned by Xerxes. The deaths of Herod, Augustus Caesar and Jesus Christ happened during lunar eclipses. When you tally up how many of these astronomical events have been recorded by humans and affected them in one way or another, the list is a very long one.

May 3,1374 BCEclipseUgarit Eclipse – oldest documented sighting
June 3,1301 BCEclipseEarly Chinese Eclipse observation
April 16,1177 BCEclipseHomer’s Odyssey
June 15762 BCEclipseAssyrian Eclipse
April 6,647 BCEclipseArchilochus Eclipse
May 28584 BCEclipseHeroditus Eclipse
October 2,479 BCEclipseXerxes Eclipse
Aug 28,412 BCEclipseSiege of Syracuse
April 15,405 BCEclipseFire in the Temple of Athena
Sept 20,330 BCEclipseArbela battle of Alexander the Great
240 BCHalleys Cometsighting by Chinese astrologers
April 17,6 BCConjunctionStar of Bethelehem in Leo/Ares
March 23,4 BCEclipseDeath of Herod
Sept 27,14 ADEclipseDeath of Augustus
33 ADEclipseCrucifixion of Jesus
37 ADAuroraCaesar sends soldiers north to put
60 ADHalleys CometNero has all possible successors executed
March 20, 71 ADEclipsePlutarch’s Eclipse
Nov 24,569 ADEclipseEclipse preceding birth of Mohammad
616 ADMeteoritemeteorite kills 10 solders in a
May 5,840 ADEclipseTreaty of Verdun
902 ADMeteor stormLeonids recorded by Arab astronomers
Dec 22,968 ADEclipseEclipse Constantinople. Leo Diaconus discovers corona.
1006 ADSupernova2 yrs. Brighter than Venus
Dec 28,1047 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 3.4deg
1054 ADSupernova1 m= -3.5. Chinese, Japanese. Pueblo
1066 ADHalleys CometBattle of Hastings-Mass terror-Europe. Bayeux Tapestry
April 24,1146 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 3.2 deg
1181 ADSupernova6 months. m= -1
Sep 201186 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 7 deg
Jan 15,1192 ADAuroraSeen in Flanders
May 14,1230 ADEclipseS. Eclipse Major European eclipse
Jan 3,1285 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 9.5 deg.
1341 ADMeteoritemeteorite shower killed people
June 21,1385 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 3.8 deg
Nov 9,1425 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 8.4 deg
May 22,1453 ADEclipseEclipse The fall of Constantinople
1456 ADHalleys CometBlamed for earthquakes, illness
1490 ADMeteoriteMeteorite Shower kills thousands.
March 1,1504 ADEclipseEclipse Christopher Columbus eclipse in Americas
Sept. 1511 ADMeteoriteMonk killed by meteorite fall
Feb 18,1524 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 7 deg
1531 ADHalleys CometPisarro conquest of Incas
October 1572 ADSupernovaTycho’s SN. -4.0. Cassiopeia. lasted 483 days
1577 ADCometAristotlean crystalline spheres
October 5,1591 ADAuroraSeen in Europe
1599 ADCometsees Cortez as fulfillment of prophesy
1604 ADSupernova365 days. m= -2.6
1607 ADHalleys CometObserved by Johannes Kepler
July 9,1622 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 7.4 deg
Aug 22,1624 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 9 deg
Nov 171630 ADMeteor stormStorm Leonids light up sky for Keplers
1639 ADVenus transitFirst observed by human
1639 ADMeteoriteCounty meteorite kills 10s of people
ca 1650 ADMeteoriteMonk in Milano killed by meteorite. Artery
ca 1658 ADSupernovaCass-A. (3 Cass? seen by Flamsteed before
1680 ADCometGreat Comet.
Feb. 10,1681 ADAuroraSeen in Europe
1682 ADHalleys CometOrbit calculated by Edmund Halley
May 3,1715 ADEclipseEclipse Edmund Halley’s eclipse
March 17,1716 ADAuroraSeen in Europe
1729 ADCometComet of 1729
1759 ADHalleys CometFirst prediction by Edmund Halley.
1744 ADCometand famous comet de Chesaux’s Comet.
June 6,1761 ADVenus TransitT. Major international observing campaign
August 5,1766 ADEclipseEclipse Captain Cook’s eclipse
June 3,1769 ADVenus TransitT Captain Cook expeditions
1799 ADMeteor stormvon Humbolt mentions intense storm
April 26,1803 ADMeteoriteMajor fall on L’Aigle France.
Jan 15,1805 ADEclipseEclipse The Lewis and Clark Expedition eclipse
1811 ADCometComet of 1811
Nov 12,1833 ADMeteor stormStorm Major Leonid shower terrified millions.
1835 ADHalleys CometBlamed for Alamo massacre and NY
Sept 15,1839 ADAuroraGreat Aurora seen in England
1843 ADCometComet of 1843
Nov. 17,1848 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. California Cuba, Europe. Telegraphs.
Aug. 28,1859 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. Cuba, Rome, Europe.
1858 ADCometComet
Sept. 2,1859 ADAuroraAthens. San Salvador. Major white light flare.
Sep 2,1861 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 3.6 deg.
1861 ADCometComet of 1861
Feb 4,1872 ADAuroraGreat Aurora Mexico, Athens, India
Dec. 91874 ADVenus TransitT Venus Transit. Major international expeditions
Jan 22,1879 ADEclipseEclipse Zulu War Eclipse
1881 ADCometComet of 1881
Nov 18,1882 ADAuroraGreat Aurora, Cuba, Mexico, US. Telegraph outages..
1882 ADCometComet. Photographed for first time.
Dec 6,1882 ADVenus TransitT Photos and major public interest.
March 30,1886 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. England, China, Japan, India
Feb. 13,1892 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. Iowa, New York
Mar. 30,1894 ADAuroraEngland
1897 ADMeteoritekills horse. New Martinsville WV.
Sept. 9,1898 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. Omaha, Tenn. New York
1899 ADMeteor stormNo Leonids. Public disappointed in astronomers
Nov. 11903 ADAuroraGreat Aurora.Europe,N. America. France telegraphs
1907 ADMeteoriteMeteorite kills Wan family
June 30,1908 ADMeteoriteTunguska Explosion
Sept. 25,1909 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. Singapore.
1910 ADHalleys CometComet Hysteria. Suicides. Mayhem. Deadly gas.
January 1910 ADCometGreat Daylight Comet of 1910
April 17,1912 ADEclipseEclipse The ‘Titanic’ eclipse
April 25,1915 ADMeteoriteChina. Meteorite rips womans arm off.
July 4,1917 ADEclipseEclipse Lawrence of Arabia’s eclipse
August 7,1917 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. New York. Illinois
May 29,1919 ADEclipseEclipse Einstein’s Eclipse
March 22,1920 ADAuroraGreat Aurora Boston, Washington, Norway
May 14,1921 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. England. Samoa, Jamaica.
Jan 24,1925 ADEclipseEclipse NY City’s Winter Morning eclipse
Jan. 26,1926 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. US, Scandinavia. London blackout
Dec 8,1929 ADMeteoriteMeteorite kills a person in Yugoslavia
August 31,1932 ADEclipseEclipse Great Maine eclipse
Jan 25,1938 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. US. North Africa. Fatima Aurora
March 24,1940 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. N. Dakota. Blackout in N.East
Sept. 18,1941 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. TV/Radio disruption in N. America
July 26,1946 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. Boston, Tenn.
1948 ADMeteorFireball. 2300 pound meteor recovered
Nov. 6,1951 ADMeteoriteBremerton, Wash. Man injured by meteorite
1954 ADMeteoriteinjures woman. Sylacauga, Alabama.
Feb. 24,1956 ADAuroraIceland, Alaska. Intense cosmic ray blast.
Sept 13,1957 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. Mexico
Feb 10,1958 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. N. America, USSR. SW Blackout
October 1965 ADCometIkeya-Seki
Nov 17,1966 ADMeteor stormStorm Major Leonid shower over Central U,S.
Feb 8,1969 ADMeteoriteAllende fall. Famous and spectacular
March 23,1969 ADAuroraNorth America
Sept 28,1969 ADMeteoriteMurchison fall. Spectacular and famous.
March 1970 ADCometComet Bennett – very bright
August 4,1972 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. N.America, Canada, Scandinavia.
August 10,1972 ADFireballDaytime over Grand Tetons – 1000 tons.
January, 1974 ADCometKohoutek – a big but famous fizzle
March, 1976 ADCometComet West
March 5,1981 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. Colorado.
February 1987 ADSupernovaLarge Magellanic Clouds. Optically discovered.
March 13,1989 ADAuroraGreat Aurora. Canada, US. Quebec Power Blackout
October 9,1992 ADMeteoritePeekskill meteorite hits car.
July 16,1994 ADCometShoemaker-Levy collides with Jupiter
March 26,1996 ADCometHyakutake – Very bright
Jan 11,1997 ADSolar stormStorm Telstar 401 satellite damaged
April, 1997 ADCometHale-Bopp. Much celebrated
May 5,2000 ADConjunctionM-J-S-Sun less than 18 degrees
Oct 14,2001 ADMeteoriteCanadian Fireball.
July 15,2000 ADSolar stormStorm Bastille Day Storm
April 2,2001 ADSolar stormStorm Major X20 Solar Flare
March, 2003 ADMeteoriteSeveral Illinois towns hit by debris. Damage
June 8,2004 ADVenus transitFirst observation in 122 years.
June 6,2012 ADVenus transitSecond observation in 122 years.
February 15,2013 ADMeteoriteExplodes over Chelyabinsk and injurs 1,500 people
June 13, 2014 ADMoonFull moon on Friday ther 13th
August 21, 2017 ADEclipseFirst total solar eclipse over Continental USA in over 30 years
March 31, 2018 ADMoonTwo Blue Moons in same year January 31 and March 31
December 21, 2020 ADConjunctionSaturn and Jupiter 7 arcminues apart
April 13, 2029 ADAsteroidApophis comes within 19,000 miles of Earth
Note: Abbreviations - Venus T. (Venus Transit of Sun). S. Exlipse (Total Solar Eclipse),
S. Storm (Solar Storm), Halley's C. (Halley's Comet), L. Eclipse (Lunar Eclipse), 
M. Storm (Intense meteor shower -  Meteor Storm)